Friday, August 21, 2009

Hot Dog

One of Tyson's favorite habits is lying in the sun. In the early morning hours, he will catch the sun's rays from the back of the sofa and then follow them around the living room throughout the day. He will relocate from the sofa to the love seat and then over in front of the sliding glass door.

But today, with the heat index, it was in the upper 90's. Why would a creature already permanently stuck in a brown fur coat want to subject himself to additional heat??

Maybe he thought he was low on vitamins.

He found a new spot to relax. After fixing lunch, I noticed he wasn't on the couch or by the glass door. Then, I saw his legs poking out from under the kitchen table. He was still getting his sunlight alright. But he was compensating for the heat by lying on top of the AC vent.

Silly boy...

1 comment:

BECKY said...

Your dog, Tyson, is too adorable!I truly think he is part human! (Did you notice the picture I posted of Tiger "basking in the sun"?)